With Halloween almost here it was time to get in the kitchen and rustle up some spooky Halloween treats! These Mummified Cupcakes are the perfect mix of scary and fun!


6 oz margerine

6 oz caster sugar (sifted)

4.5 oz self raising flour (sifted)

1.5 oz cocoa powder (sifted)

3 eggs

For the decoration

Ready-to-roll icing in white

Writing icing in black


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (180 for a fan oven)

Prepare a baking tray with 12 cupcake cases

Cream the margerine and sugar together in a bowl

Carefully add the flour, cocoa powder and eggs, and mix until all of the ingredients combime

Beat thoroughly until the mixture is light and airy

Spoon the mixture evenly between the 12 cupcake cases

Place in the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 20 minutes

You know when your cupcakes are ready, because the sponge will spring back when poked with a finger!


Leave the cupcakes to cool in the tray for 10 minutes, before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely


Now to mummify your cupcakes!

Roll out the white icing

Using small chunks, roll the icing into balls for the Mummy’s eyes – you’ll need 24 of these balls

Dampen one side of the balls with a little water so they’ll stick to the cupcakes, and position slightly above centre

Cut the remaining white icing into thin strips

Dampen the cupcake slightly so the icing will stick

Place the strips haphazardly across the cupcake, leaving space for the eyes, and trimming at the edges

Finally, using a small round nozzle and your black writing icing, pipe small dots on the eyes for eyeballs


And there you have it! Spooky Halloween Cupcakes that everyone will love!